Saturday, April 9, 2011

Huge waste of bandwidth

I really haven't had much interesting to talk about over the past couple of weeks - at least, nothing I would want to share on a public blog - and ranting has subsided greatly..
Significantly less has been pissing me off lately (probably because I am sans-Ohio-bitch & her negative bullshit, and plus an awesome new chick, who does nothing but build me up & make me happy - a word which isn't usually in my vocabulary), and I am left to update this blog with mindless, meaningless drivel to keep traffic here alive to feed my already massive ego...drivel which, apparently, still garners mass amounts of hits, and this confuses me.

Hence the blog's title - you folks clearly give too much of a shit about nothing, which is apparent by the traffic this blog gets - updates or not.
I fail to see what is so interesting about this blog, as it doesn't have much to offer as of late. It's not like I'm going to be winning a fucking Pulitzer for writing this bullshit, either.
Perhaps I should put in some ads to cash in on the reads which come from nowhere?
It certainly couldn't hurt my wallet, but might hurt your eyes, which is why I haven't yet - don't go thinking I care, because I don't...I'm just like you, and hate ads as much as the rest of you.
Still, not a bad idea for the future...donations are also welcome, because who doesn't like free money?
If you're willing to hand it out, I'm willing to accept it.

I leave you all with the following advice:
Go outside, get some sun, exercise, & fresh air, and stop wasting your lives behind a screen.
Your life will thank you for it.

Not even music this time - I'm that unmotivated on this infernal machine...more to come eventually.

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