Sunday, May 22, 2011

I got something long & white for you to suck on...

Every now and then, I enjoy filling my lungs with smoke - cigarettes, pipe-tobacco, weed - it's really all good to me (except crack &/or PCP - I'll pass on those, thanx).
"World No Tobacco Day" is apparently on May 31st.
I aim to smoke at least twice as much on that day, just to spite the non-smokers, who have taken over everything, and are making those of us that smoke look like Satan himself.
In the past ten years, smokers have become the new scapegoat for hate - hating on others differences is wrong (so we're taught), but if you smoke, you're fair game to be treated like dirt?
So THIS is what replaced racism (an improvement, but not by much).

My theory is as follows: if you don't like inhaling what I'm smoking, either move away from me, or stop breathing...don't go bitching and complaining because I'm in a public OUTDOOR area killing myself - that should be my right...but oh yeah...I forgot - nobody has any rights.
I also do not approve of the governments telling us where we can and can't smoke - a few years ago, none of that shit mattered. Now, they're all concerned about our health - sure...that's why cigarettes are still readily available and legal, and weed is neither, right? You sure have no problem pushing prescription meds that can kill someone in about a tenth of time to small children...hell, you make that MANDATORY in most schools. Time to get some fucking priorities - logic wouldn't hurt, either.

At some point this summer, I plan on quitting smoking (tobacco - not weed, you idiot)...not because of any of this, but because: a) it's expensive as fuck b) I've done this long enough and grow tired of it and c) I want to be even healthier than I already am.
In the meantime, however, I will continue to pollute my lungs until my quit-date, mainly because I have an image to maintain...especially after this post.

Music later, as I'm currently blanking on what tunes I have that would be related.

Friday, May 20, 2011


There is no "Rapture" going on this weekend.
Believing in such tripe not only makes you look like an idiot, but lets the terrorists win - by "terrorists" I, of course, mean "organized religion"
Once again, so-called "religion" has "predicted" a bunch of bullshit to spread fear-mongering and attempt to control the masses into being a bunch of subservient dickheads...and like lemmings, the more gullible ones are falling for it.
When, once again, NOTHING HAPPENS, the people spreading these lies will run & hide with their tails between their legs - or change their "prediction" to a later date, stating something like "our math was wrong". It's not your "math" that's wrong, dumbass - it's your twisted belief-system.

Over the years, there have been many "warnings" from groups of douchebags claiming that the world is going to end - all came and went with no incident (remember Y2K?)...this crap is no different. If you're actually worried about this, you should probably suffocate yourself right now, and save yourself the embarrassment of being wrong when dick-all happens.

Now, I'm not attacking religion itself - there's nothing wrong in believing in something that teaches decent values...there IS something wrong in telling others they're going to die unless they convert to your beliefs, well as making people seem "inferior" by putting a limit on the "number of souls allowed into paradise". Apparently, "Heaven" is an exclusive nightclub with a hard-to-get-on guestlist, brick-headed bouncer, and a bunch of shitty, mind-numbing Trance being played.
If this is actually the case, I'm making sure I go to "Hell" least it's warm all year there.

I'd post music, but since "the world is ending", and there won't be anyone left to hear it when we all get sucked into the heavens or die a terrible death, there's no real point now, is there?

Monday, May 2, 2011

If you don't read this blog, the terrorists win

I'm sure you've all seen the news that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
The world has supposedly lost the finest player of hide-and-seek it has ever seen - TEN FUCKING YEARS.
I say "supposedly", because I feel that this is a huge load of bullshit.

First off, America doesn't seem content unless it's constantly in the news - due to the royal wedding (more tripe I could give less of a fuck about), it wasn't...and lo and behold, all of the sudden, Bin Laden is dead - right.
Secondly, it would be super-easy to fake. Go to any major metropolis, and spend the day randomly hailing cabs - you'll run across at least 5 drivers that resemble Osama closely enough that they could pass for him. Hell, even Saddam Hussein had multiple doubles. I'm personally mistaken for another, more famous Toronto DJ at least 3 times a year (you know I'm not him after a couple minutes of talking to me, as it becomes apparent that I'm a much bigger asshole, and he's a stand-up, class-act of a dude).
Thirdly, I see our Prime Minister just had to get his say in, and said "we must protect our country from similar attacks" - my guess is it'll be his last little speech before his ass is booted the fuck out later this evening when the votes come in. Terrorists will not attack a country that willingly harbors them - it has been proven that we just let them waltz right in and set up shop here (which is just one reason I hate this country, but that's a completely different rant). If they really wanted to hit us Canadians where it hurts, they'd blow up the breweries, but I think they know better - never deny a Canadian their beer, or they turn into ravenous beasts that'll tear your fucking head off if you look at them funny.

I think what pisses me off the most about this klusterfuck is the fact that every US politician (and maybe even citizen, but I'm elaborating here) seems to be calling this event a "victory".
Ok, so killing ONE GUY who may or may not have even been responsible for attacks on your country is a "victory" - even though the death-toll of your citizens, soldiers & allies total in the thousands, and that's not even including the deaths of the innocents in the countries you "liberated" (AKA "freed the shit out of"). Great fucking logic.
Not to mention the fact that it took TEN YEARS to do this - when I was younger, some friends of mine prank-called an airport with bomb-threats, and they were in jail within 3 days, after being surrounded by about 20 FBI agents. There was no bomb, and they were just stupid fucking kids...they didn't blow up a landmark, killing thousands.What the bloody fuck? There's a thing called "priorities"'s right up there with "REAL threat-assessment" - maybe you should learn these know, instead of fingering the assholes of law-abiding citizens at the airport to give the illusion that you're doing something?

I'd continue on with this rant, but I'd like to remain in a somewhat positive mood for the day.
Therefore, it's music-time...and the content of this whole post can be summed up with just ONE song:

Silverchair - Pure Massacre

Enjoy, kids.