Sunday, November 13, 2011

Return from the planet of zero fucks

It would seem that I have neglected this hole for several months now, and that's rather significant, seeing as I rarely leave holes neglected (as my wife will tell you, I'm sure).
Yes, I said "wife".
Technically, she's still my fiancee, but since we'll be moving into a large house together at the end of the month, I may as well just use the term "wife", as we're practically married already anyway.

Reasons like the ones mentioned above have been the excuse for not updating jack shit here, but it doesn't really seem to matter, as several of you keep returning here anyway (as indicated by the now 8000+ reads on the counter).
Well, I ASSUME this is the case. It could just be ONE of you folks stalking my shit relentlessly, in which case, that's creepy as fuck, and you'd better be a hot female. Either way, I'm kind of flattered that you'd even take the time to bother, as I didn't think this shit was that interesting. I stand corrected.

Another valid reason for the lack of updates has been significantly less bullshit pissing me off - I've been much more peaceful & less angry, and this causes a drop in blog-activity, for obvious reasons.
Bear in mind, I didn't say "NONE", as there certainly has been.
For instance, the "occupy movement"...

I'm not saying I disagree with the original goals of said movement (quite the contrary), but the fact that it degraded into what appeared to be jobless hippy-hipsters who couldn't keep their goals straight & didn't seem to know what the hell they were protesting anymore irks my shit more than a little.
The cops - well, they decided to be cops, and broke most of these "protests" up after about a month of "occupation". As always, they can "occupy" my middle finger & spin. Fucking stormtrooper automatons.
Then we have the media-coverage, which was ad-nauseum, and seemed to focus more on this crap, than anything else going on in the world (it was there every goddamn day, for fuck's sake).
In the meantime, Michael Jackson's doctor (I don't give a fuck what his name is, as stating it would only give him more celebrity than he deserves) got raped in court. Well, maybe not raped...a 5-month sentence for outright killing someone is more like a gentle, consensual fucking by a kind stranger.
Oh, and Heavy D died, which was sad as hell, & I had to find out online, as the regular media is clearly comprised of (as Hev would have put it) Um-diddly-diddly-diddly-diddly-douchebags. R.I.P - you were awesome (and probably would have appreciated that joke).

So, as you can tell, I'm back to update this thing now, though I don't know with how much frequency.
It seems that over the summer, I bit off a bit more than I could chew, and decided to undertake about 4 separate musical side-projects (not including "...And Stuff", which is now on a slight hiatus). I'll keep you posted on these as they happen, but in the meantime, you really should go and catch up on the shit I HAVE been releasing over at - the sets in particular have improved greatly since I finally broke down and upgraded my fucking software (after saying I never would for many years - if this is "selling out", well then fuck it & oh well).

Hope to be entertaining you all in the near future - take care, kids!

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